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Work with us to customize your
own design.

Can't find what you're looking for? Now you can design your own. We'll work with you every step of the way, finalizing with a photorealistic design for your approval before final payment and building starts.


Since designing takes time, please see the timeline below, and then hit the contact button to get started making your design dream a reality!


Customized furniture steps:

  1. Contact us with your request and a description of the piece(s) you want to create.

  2. We will email back to confirm we have received your request and to schedule a consultation phone call.

  3. Email any sketches and/or images you've found online to help us get any idea of what you're looking for.

  4. During our consultation call, we will confirm the work, discuss the details, and share an estimate of costs.

  5. Submit the $100 up-front consultation fee to kick of the design work. 

  6. Final photorealistic designs and costs will be emailed for your approval and signature. 

  7. Work begins once the signed contract is received and invoice is paid in full. (Normal working time for a custom item is up to two weeks)

  8. Item(s) will be shipped to you.

Let's Get Started

Thanks for submitting!

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